ABOUT HISTORY MASS SCHEDULE PASTORAL COUNCIL MEMBERS MINISTRIES WORSHIP MINISTRIES SOCIAL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRIES FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS/MINISTRIES MINISTRY & ORGANIZATION LEADERS SACRAMENTS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PARISH SERVICES MASS INTENTIONS PARISHIONER REGISTRATION BURIAL PLANNING “I AM” PROGRAM RENTAL REQUEST CREDIT UNION CERTIFICATE REQUESTS OFFERTORY ENVELOPES LINKS OF INTEREST CALENDAR Gallery CONTACT GIVE Immaculate Heart of Mary Church 818 12th Street P.O. Box 2398 Lafayette, LA 70502 Phone: (337) 247-9922 Fax: (337) 235-4775 Godparent/Sponsor's Statement of Faith I recognize that as a sacramental sponsor for: I must keep God's commandments as Jesus teaches us through the Scriptures and the Church. I express my faith by loving God and my neighbor, by worshipping God in Private and with God's people by worshipping in my parish community on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, by regularly receiving Eucharist, by celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation and giving good example. Name Phone Address Hereby state that I: ✓ Am a Baptized and Confirmed Catholic; ✓Am a registered member of (name of Church); ✓ Participate actively in my parish by attendance at weekly Mass and Holy Days of Obligation; ✓ If married, have a marriage that is canonically valid and recognized by the Catholic Church; ✓ Regularly receive Eucharist; ✓ Actively support my parish, financially and with my gifts and talents; ✓ Am open to God's Word as taught in the Bible and by the Roman Catholic Church; ✓ Am a believer in Jesus trying to live as I believe and my Church teaches; ✓ And that the above statements are all true. Date Signature Parish Verification: This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge Is a registered member of Church of ; a regular communicant at Sunday Mass; regularly receives the Sacraments; actively supports this parish, financially and otherwise; a Catholic canonically in good standing; and qualified to be a Godparent/ sponsor for the Sacrament of . Date Pastor/Delegate Affix parish seal below. Δ