(337) 235-4618 | 818 12TH St., Lafayette La, 70501



God calls us to share our TIME and TALENTS to give back what we have been so unselfishly given. Take a moment to review the ministries offered at our Church Parish and share your talents with the community.

Leaders of Ministry

Our Choir ministry is a wonderful program to be involved with especially if you enjoy singing.
For more information please contact:
Adult/Inspirational: Francis LeBlanc
Youth/People's: Cartez Winters

Adult Ushers
The Ushers of Immaculate Heart serve at the 4:00 Saturday mass as well as the 6:00, 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 masses on Sunday. The ministry is comprised of both men and women over the age of 17 years.

As Ushers, their main role in mass consists of greeting parishioners, assisting with seating, passing the collection baskets, handing out bulletins, and assisting during communion.

Each Usher is part of a team of Ushers and each team member is asked to commit to four (4) masses per month, if available. All training is provided prior to the start of each mass.

Ushers develop a deepened sense of service and accountability to the church, and this also affords an opportunity for them to interact with the parishioners. The Usher Ministry is a vital part of the Saturday and Sunday masses.

Quarterly meetings are held on the 1st Saturday of the quarter. For more information contact Cedric Chaisson.

Altar Servers
PURPOSE: The Altar Servers assist in the celebration of the masses by providing a special ministry to the pastor and pastoral staff. They are trained and expected to assist on the altar by serving for masses on weekends, holidays and special ceremonies.

OBJECTIVE: The Altar Server Ministry is open to all youth, male and female. Members must have made their First Communion to be serving on the altar. They are encouraged to: develop a better understanding of "commitment and dedication of service"; to continue their involvement and give support to the parish and community by serving in other capacities as they grow, discover, and learn to share their special gifts and talents.

1. Serve for weekend masses 4:00 pm, 7:30 am, 9:00 am and 11:00 am.
2. Attend monthly meetings held on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 2:00 pm.
3. Participation in annual ceremony for Outstanding Altar Server (Dioceses)
4. Participate and support the IHM Family Day/Fall Festival.
5. Annual Altar Server Outing (Christmas/Summer)
6. Participation of specific age groups in: Lyke Conference, African American Catholic Youth Congress and various other parish/community activities held.

If you are interested in joining this Ministry, please contact Dorothy Nezey.


If you have questions or need help with Church Decor for your event, please contact Mildred Taylor.

Eucharistic Ministry
Mission Statement: A strong reverence for what the Eucharistic Minister carries is to be seen and felt by all. Eucharistic Ministers should distribute the Body of Christ and Precious Blood with reverence, dignity, and personal attention. These ministers are brothers and sisters in the very Body and Blood being shared. They not only speak their faith in saying, "The Body of Christ", "The Blood of Christ" but call for the faith of the communicant as well.

Guidelines for IHM Eucharistic Ministers:
1. Mature Christians

2. Of excellent character

3. Take the faith seriously and lead Christian lives.

4. If at any time you find yourself living contrary to the teachings of the church, it is highly desirable that you take a leave from this ministry until you have resolved this matter. (Remember you are an example to others.)

5. It is of the utmost importance that you make every effort to attend schedule workshops, to stay informed as an IHM Eucharistic Minister.

All interested parishioners are required to fill out a ministry form,After completing this form and returning it per instructions on the form, you will be contacted as soon as the Pastor has reviewed and signed each application. Applicants are then given a training session, where they are shown how the Pastor request we prepare and assist in distributing Holy Communion. At the training, each minister is also given a copy of IHM Eucharistic Ministry Manual. Upon completing this training session, a mass is selected by the Pastor for commissioning each candidate. After the Commissioning Rite, ministers are now ready to spiritually feed God's people.

All Eucharistic Ministers receive a quarterly schedule via mail or email, which indicates when each minister is to serve. Every effort is made to schedule each minister at the mass indicated on their ministry form. The ministry also provides an entertaining and informative quarterly newsletter.

Presently, IHM Eucharistic Ministry has approximately 96 active ministers. Ministry workshops are scheduled twice a year in conjunction with IHM Lectors Ministry.

He took, blessed, broke, and gave the bread saying, "This is my body" Sharing the cup, he said, "This is my blood", all ate and drank, and Jesus commanded them,"Do this in memory of me"

If you are interested in joining this Ministry, please contact Adoria Hankton

Ladies Altar Society

If you are interested in joining the Ladies Altar Society, please contact Delores Noel.

The mission and purpose of the Lector Ministry is to proclaim the Word effectively to God’s people. Proclaiming the Word of God deepens a person’s spirituality and faith in God and it also keeps you connected to your Church parish. Lectoring is a vital part of the Mass because we need to hear and feel Christ’s message to his people.

Meetings and scheduling for the Lector Ministry are held quarterly. If you are interested in joining this ministry, please contact Miracle Layne.

Liturgical Dance
Liturgical Dance is a type of dance movement that is sometimes incorporated into the liturgy or worship service. Dancers respond with an appropriate dance, which flows from the interpretation of music designed to enhance the worship service. Those who dance for Jesus must always be mindful that dance is a form of worship and must never be viewed as a form of entertainment of spectacle in the Church.

We view the Liturgical Dance Ministry as an opportunity for young people to develop the art of dance and use these talents as good stewards in a way that is pleasing in the eyes of God.

Mrs. Pamela Joseph-Senegal is the Director and Owner of PJ’s Dance School located at 527 Mudd Avenue. She holds a Masters Degree in dance and she has graciously taken on the responsibility of training our Liturgical Dancers in the art and technique of proper dance for Liturgy.

The ministry is opened to ages 5-18 years of age. The IHM Liturgical Dancers perform for Church, holidays and community events. They also perform and receive awards at P.J.’s annual recital which is held is May. Additionally, the dancers participate in parades and dance conferences. Ms. Pam wants parents to know that her classes are not only fun but also rewarding.

We are also in need of a parent or parents to serve as coordinator between the Church and the dance school. This is a wonderful opportunity to bond with your children in a healthy and wholesome atmosphere and allows you to become a good steward for Christ.

Classes are held for 1 hour every Saturday at 12 noon at PJ's, located at 527 Mudd Avenue, Lafayette, LA. For more information contact Pamela Joseph-Senegal at 337 278-2059.
Liturgy & Worship

If you are interested in Liturgy and Worship, please contact Orida Edwards.

Junior Ushers
The Junior Ushers of Immaculate Heart serve at the 9am Children’s mass on Sunday. They consist of both young men and women from 5th through 12th grades. This is a program that was initiated by Mrs. Mary Francis Ozenne in order to get the youth of our parish more involved.

As Junior Ushers, their main roles in mass consists of greeting parishioners, assisting with seating, passing the collection baskets, handing out bulletins, and assisting during communion.

Each junior usher is asked to commit to 1-2 masses per month, and all of the training that we provide is done prior to and during the 9am mass.

Junior Usher’s develop a deepened sense of service and accountability to the church, and also gives them a chance to interact and get to know their peers, which they really seem to enjoy. It is our hope that this will deepen their commitment to the church as they become adults.

For more information call the Rectory at 337 235-4618

The purpose of the Bereavement team is to serve God, the church and parishioners during their time of need. To be present at funerals in order to assist family members of the deceased by distributing programs, identifying mass participants, serving as ushers, Eucharistic ministers and altar servers as needed. The ministry provides an environment of love and support as well as coordinating communication between the family and church. Membership is open.

Meetings are held on an as needed basis. Training is done on site prior to a funeral service. Contact Adrienne Senegal.

Bible Study
The purpose of the this committee meets to study and reflect on Sacred Scripture. The focus is to “break open the Word”. To read scripture, understand what the Good News is calling us to do and apply it to our lives so that we may remain faithful and continue our journey to holiness. Participation is open to anyone.

Bible Study is held every Wednesday at 7:00 pm at the Mary House located at 905 Surrey St, Lafayette, LA.

Evangelization means any activity rooted in Christ that promotes the proclamation of the Good News of Christ and His victory over sin and death. This committee brings the Good News to the people whether they are in their homes, hospital, nursing homes or where ever His people are. This ministry includes a wake service team who conducts rosaries at wake services, a prayer team and a door-to-door ministry. Committee members are responsible for bulletin announcements and media coverage for the parish. The Rosa Mystica ministry coordinates the scheduling of the associate devotion. Membership is open to any registered member of the parish.

Meetings are held every 2nd Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the Mary House located at 905 Surrey Street, Lafayette, LA.

Contact Mary Kennedy for more information.

The purpose of the Healthcare ministry is to inform, educate and allow parishioners to participate in various medical programs that embrace the integration of faith and health as it relates to the wellness and holistic needs of the parish community. Volunteers with and without medical backgrounds are encouraged to participate in this healthcare ministry. This ministry provides a prescription drug assistance program in addition to various educational resources on medical concerns.

Meetings are held every 3rd Thursday at 5:30 pm in the Mary House, located at 905 Surrey St, Lafayette, LA. Contact Cindy Greene for more information.

Just Faith

Contact Jerry Caillier for the Just Faith ministry.

Parish Council
The purpose of the Parish Council is to coordinate, encourage and promote every apostolic activity within the parish. To assure through its commission, a continuous survey of both spiritual and temporal needs of the individual, family, parish and community. To set priorities and implement programs to meets these needs. Members consist of adult members (18 years or older) and youth (grades 9-12) who are registered with the parish and elected to serve two (2) to three (3) year terms.

Meetings are held every 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm. Contact Parish Council President, Phyllis Coleman Mouton

Religious Store
The religious store provides the parishioners with a selection of religious articles and items that are used to contribute and enhance their spiritual life such as candles, bibles, rosaries, prayer cards and gifts for Holy Communion and Confirmation. Volunteers work in the store located in the foyer of the church before and after weekend masses (4pm Saturday, 7:30, 9 & 11am Sunday). Interested volunteers should contact the rectory.

Interested volunteers should contact Viola Celestain.

Sisters of the Holy Family Associates
This Roman Catholic organization offers its members the opportunity to deepen their relationship with God, respond to their baptismal call and to participate in the mission of the church by sharing in the life, spirit and mission of the Sisters of the Holy Family in addition to living out the Charism of Mother Henriette Delille. Members pray twice daily the Christian prayer alone and once weekly as a group. Members have holy hour once weekly; praying for themselves, families, church and community. Members assist the Sisters assigned to Immaculate Heart of Mary in any way needed. Membership is open to any Roman Catholic male or female that has been confirmed and willing to live a life of prayer.

Meetings are held every 3rd Saturday at 9:00 am in the IHM School Cafeteria. Contact Betty Brown.

Members of this committee are not only the church’s official greeters before each Mass on the weekends but also assist as needed in bulletin distribution and preparing for various church socials. Meetings are open to registered members of the parish.

Meet prior to 9:00 am Mass for early onsite training. Contact Lennis Rochon (337) 234-0605,Email:[email protected]
Young Adult Ministry (YAM)
The Young Adult Ministry is a group designed for individuals ages 20-45. This ministry focuses on the needs, interests and concerns of people in this age group. Each month we discuss topics such as current events, trends, relationship building, professional development, peer mentoring, financial planning, marriage, living single, parenting and spirituality to name a few. We also have a newsletter that is sent out to the members to keep them informed.

Our goal is to be a ministry of support for each other as we journey through life's challenges, accomplishments and more. Our purpose is to provide support among our peers as help each other to grow in our faith and be better citizens as well as merciful servants of the Lord. We welcome individuals in this age group from different faiths and backgrounds.

We meet on the first Monday of each month and we turnout at mass on the 3rd Sunday of the month. We invite anyone in this age group to join us!

Contact Adoria Hankton for more information.

Youth Group
The purpose of the Youth Group is to respond to the social and spiritual needs of the youth in our community by providing fun games, activities and events that will allow them to express their faith through their own words and actions. Youth are encouraged to use their own individual talents in the programs and ministries that interest them in order to mature their growth as people of faith while building solid Christians on the foundation of the solid rock. Membership is open to registered youth of the parish ages 10 – 18 yrs.

Meetings are held every 3rd Sunday at 4 pm in the IHM School Library. Contact Youth Director, Jaleen Joseph, for more information.

Boy Scouts of America/Pack 955 & Cub Scouts
For more than 105 years, Scouting has helped build future leaders by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun and adventure in the outdoors. We care passionately about what is happening to kids and our communities – and are dedicated to supporting an exciting, quality program that builds better young people and our future leaders.

Acadiana has a rich Scouting tradition spanning nearly 105 years with the start of the first Boy Scout Troop in 1913 sponsored by the United Methodist Church in New Iberia. The community quickly embraced the Scouting program and within 11 years grew to a sizeable number requiring a Scout Council to more effectively serve and support the local volunteers. The Evangeline Area Council, BSA, was granted a charter by the Naitonal Council, Boy Scouts of America in April 1924

Today, the Evangeline Area Council continues to improve families and our community by serving more than 3,000 youth within the eight traditional parishes of Acadiana: Acadia, Evangeline, Lafayette, Iberia St. Landry, St. Martin, St. Mary and Vermillion.

The Evangeline Area Council is divided into 2 geographical areas called districts: The Kuna Nisha District comprising Lafayette South, St Martin, St. Mary, Iberia and Vermillion Parish's The Bon Temps District comprising Lafayette North, St. Landry, Evangeline, and Acadia Parish's. Each district is made up of local Scouting units called Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, Venturing Crews, and Exploring Posts that are chartered to a local school, religious organization, or community center. Scouting activities happen all year-long in your local neighborhood or at one of our beautiful scout camps.

The Evangeline Area Council serves 3,052 youth and thier families within 92 units. These youth consist of boys, ages 5 to 20, and girls ages 5 - 20. Supporting the youth are 1,011 volunteer leaders that teach the Scouts new skills, build their self esteem, and reinforce the values found in the Scout Oath and Law.


The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

Scout Oath

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
Scout Law

A Scout is:

If your child is interested in joining the boy scouts please contact Mike Edwards, if you are interested in the Cub Scouts please contact Maxine Woods by calling the Church.

Knights of Peter Claver - Senior & Junior Division
The Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. is the largest historically African-American Catholic lay organization in the United States. The Order is named for St. Peter Claver, the Spanish Priest who ministered to African slaves. In 2006, a unit was established in San Andres Colombia, South America. The Order was founded in Mobile, Alabama and is presently headquartered in New Orleans.

Our organization consists of six Divisions: Knights of Peter Claver, Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary, Junior Knights, Junior Daughters, 4th Degree Knights and Ladies of Grace. The Order is governed by a Board of Directors and is under the leadership of the Supreme Knight and Supreme Lady, KPCLA. The Order is operated under the direction of the Executive Director and his staff.

We are divided into six Districts and States across the country. Each district or state is represented by a Deputy and other conference officers. Districts, States and other Divisions are represented on the Board of Directors.

​Our Junior Division welcomes catholic youth between the ages of 7-18. They are organized using the same structure of the Senior Division. There is a Junior Supreme Knight, Junior Supreme Lady, along with Junior District or State Presidents and Officers. Interested youth mus have made their First Holy Communion.

Our purpose is to render service to God and His Holy Church, render aid and assistance to the sick and disabled, and promote social and intellectual association among our members.

For additional information contact:
Senior Council: Joe Walker
Junior Knights: Hebert Green

Knights of Peter Claver - Ladies Council & Junior Daughters Division
The Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. is the largest historically African-American Catholic lay organization in the United States. The Order is named for St. Peter Claver, the Spanish Priest wo ministered to African slaves. In 2006, a unit was established in San Andres Colombia, South America. The Order was founded in Mobile, Alabama and is presently headquartered in New Orleans.

Our organization consists of six Divisions: Knights of Peter Claver, Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary, Junior Knights, Junior Daughters, 4th Degree Knights and Ladies of Grace. The Order is governed by a Board of Directors and is under the leadership of the Supreme Knight and Supreme Lady, KPCLA. The Order is operated under the direction of the Executive Director and his staff.

We are divided into six Districts and States across the country. Each district or state is represented by a Deputy and other conference officers. Districts, States and other Divisions are represented on the Board of Directors.

​Our Junior Division welcomes catholic youth between the ages of 7-18. They are organized using the same structure of the Senior Division. There is a Junior Supreme Knight, Junior Supreme Lady, along with Junior District or State Presidents and Officers. Interested youth mus have made their First Holy Communion.

Our purpose is to render service to God and His Holy Church, render aid and assistance to the sick and disabled, and promote social and intellectual association among our members.

For additional information contact:
Ladies Council: Dr. Louella Cook
Junior Daughters: Tyra Hamiliton