Pre-registration is required for the CCD program at Immaculate Heart of Mary. If your child is attending a non-Catholic school, CCD classes are required in order for your child to receive any Sacraments. For more information please contact Mrs. Lana Pierre, Director of Religious Education, at (337) 247-9922, fax number (337) 362-0361. Register Here for CCD Classes including First Communion and Confirmation. Register here for these classes.
The term RCIA stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. RCIA consists of a series of stages of preparation, as well as rites (rituals). The RCIA originated in the earliest traditions of the Church for welcoming new members into the Catholic community. RCIA is for people of all walks of life: those who have never been baptized, baptized in another Christian faith and are interested in becoming a Catholic, people raised in other faiths; people who were baptized Catholic but were not raised Catholic; people with no religious background at all. The RCIA is designed to meet you where you are, and to walk with you on your journey of faith. We also welcome those adults who wish to make their Confirmation. Classes are held on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm. For more information please contact Deacon Morrison (337) 235-6323.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Teens (R.C.I.A.) for Teens is the process by which our youth become Catholic. The team provides education, hospitality, and support as they welcome members to the Catholic faith and church community. Applications for R.C.I.A for Teens are made through the Director of Religious Education, Mrs. Lana Pierre (337) 247-9922. Register Here for CCD Classes including First Communion and Confirmation.